This is the Ste.lco Plant in Hamilton from the Burlington Bridge...heading towards Niagara Falls.
Other than showing our Drivers Licenses and popping the trunk for a thorough search, we were accross in a minute.
Downtown Buffalo has some beautiful old architecture from the 1920's and 1930's. Some of the buildings are quite impressive.
However, downtown Buffalo remains a ghost town, even on a long weekend Saturday afternoon.
It's sad to see so many beautiful old buildings burnt out and abandoned.
It's been a long time since The Mister and I have been to Buffalo.
Certain areas seem more run down than we remember.
We drove through Niagara Falls and came accross the Queenston/Lewiston Bridge, and I didn't take any pictures of the Falls because; let's face it, I've got too many already.
I also didn't take any pictures of Lundy's Lane.
It gets more Funland/Freakshow/Ridiculous looking every time we visit.
Gigantic neon signs and gorillas and monsters hanging onto the main road, and then the circus abruptly stops about 6 blocks up and everything becomes normal again.
The end.
No more road trips for a little while
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